Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Next Chapter

I lived with my mom and younger brother before I got married, for the longest time it was just the three of us. Being the eldest, my mom relied on me to help with the finances at home. And so work was very important in the sense that the fixed monthly salary must come first before job satisfaction. Establishing a career in one industry was a rare opportunity as I would accept employment in high-paying companies regardless of the position or job description. So don’t be surprised when I say that I’m a B.S. Accountancy graduate who ended up working as a Project Manager in the telecommunications industry. Don’t get me wrong, i don’t have any regret and I will do anything for my family.

Handling more than five projects in the office while preparing for your dream wedding was no small feat, turned out I was not an excellent multi-tasker. Needless to say, much of the wedding details had to be taken cared of at the last possible schedule or fully entrusted to our coordinators. This got me into a lot of “I wish I had” and “if only I had” moments even months after our big day. You only get to walk down the aisle once after all.

The realization that I had to choose between my IT career and my new family life struck two months before the wedding. And so I tendered my resignation and was ready to face a whole new chapter that was about to unfold. Thank God for my mom who also wants what’s best for me and was very supportive of my decision.

positive result in my HPT
Two months after we tied the knot, we received an unexpected but very much thanked for news: I’m six weeks PREGNANT! I was in the Philippines and my husband was in Malaysia at the time so I had to wake him up and surprise him over the phone at 6:00 in the morning. I was already half-expecting the result of the home pregnancy test but it did not immediately sink in until I heard the confirmation from the doctor. Good thing my mom has a very flexible schedule and was able to accompany me to the obstetrician’s clinic the same day.

And then it hit me, I do not have a single clue of what we are about to go through. No idea what must be done next or how a pregnant woman is supposed to act. Multiple questions ran through my head as I have only ever heard of pregnancy stories from the movies I’ve seen or from parent friends. I didn’t know where to start.

baby's very first ultrasound at 6 weeks and 4 days (March 19, 2012)

I already have my mind made up on one thing though: This may not be a once in a lifetime only chance for us, but I for sure want to go through the entire pregnancy experience. From the nauseating stages of the first trimester to the exciting name picking and baby shower of the third. Never again will I say “I wish I had” and “if only I had”. My husband and I will go through the whole process together and how best can we spend the first year of our marriage than preparing for our little one?

my baby bump at 26 weeks (August 2, 2012)

I’m in my 3rd trimester now and so far, everything is going as planned.